In this tutorial we will go over how to add a product category.

First you will login to your admin dashboard and on the left hand side find the tab "Products"

Then you will choose "categories"

Once on the category page you will see add new category. 

If you're adding a "Parent category" (The top of a hierarchy) see below.

You will add a name. Leave the parent category dropdown as none and hit "add new category"

If you're adding a "child category" (subcategory) see image below

You will add a name, set the parent category dropdown to the parent category you'd like and hit "add new category"

The below image will show you how a parent and a child category looks once they've been added. Notice the indent for the child category. 

Next we will go over putting a product in a category.

Navigate to the "products" tab on the left hand side and select the "all products" subcategory.

Once on the "all products" page you will have 3 options to add a product to a category. The quick edit, bulk edit and individual edit. 

First we will go over the quick edit. Hover over the product you'd like to edit and select "quick edit".

This will open a quick edit screen. Here you can select what categories you'd like to add the product to as seen below. Then hit update.

Second, you can bulk edit several products into a category at once using the bulk edit dropdown.

You will want to be on the Products - All Products page. Then you will select the products by checking the box to the left of the product name. Once you have selected the products you'd like to edit select the "Bulk Actions" tab and select edit.

Once on the bulk edit page you can select which category you'd like to add them to. Then hit update.

 (Note: the bulk edit function only adds and does not remove the products from categories)

Lastly, you can go to the individual product page and edit what categories the product is in.

Hover over the product you'd like to edit and hit "edit"

Once on the individual product page you can choose which categories you'd like to add the product to, then hit update.

This concludes this tutorial. Thank you for choosing Make Ready Armz!