During this tutorial we will go over how to change the image on a banner module.

First you will navigate to the page where the banner module is located and "enable visual builder"

Once the visual builder has been enabled it will depend on how the image is set, but it is essentially the same way just in a different location. (it could be set in the module itself or the row module)

For this example you will hover over the module itself and click on the cog wheel icon (settings)

Once the module settings open you will find the tab "Background"

Once on the background tab you will make sure you're on the image tab, then to change the image you will click on the cog wheel icon. (settings)

Once on settings for background image you have the ability to upload an image or choose from the media library already on your site. Once you choose an image hit "upload an image".

Then you have the ability to add parallax or not, then hit save.

Then click on the 3 dots with the purple background to expand the menu

Finally hit save again.

This concludes this tutorial. Thank you for choosing Make Ready Armz!