In this tutorial we will cover creating attributes as well as adding attributes to products. 

Note: If you're connected to distributors for drop shipping then the drop shipping products you choose in your digital catalog will include their own attributes (distributor depending).

First go to your websites admin dashboard and on the left hand side click on the "Products" tab and then "Attributes".

Once on the attributes page under the add new attributes section you will create the attributes. There are a few options, but the important one is giving it a name and then hit "Add Attribute"

Once the attribute has been added you will need to populate it with "terms" by clicking on "configure terms".

You will then be on a new page where you can add terms to that specific attribute chosen. 

In this example we added a "brand term" called "Glock". You can add however many you'd like and then hit "Add New Brand"

Once you have terms populated in the attribute you will also be able to see how many products are associated to that term with the column "count". 

To associate products with an attribute term you will want to go to the left hand side of the screen and click on "Products" tab and then "All Products".

Once on the products page you will hover over the product you'd like to associate with the attribute and click on "edit".

On the products page you will go down to the "attribute" tab. 

You will then click on the dropdown and choose the attribute you'd like associated to that product and hit "Add". 

Once the attribute is associated to the product you will then need to select the attribute terms from existing values or click add new.

You can choose from the dropdown which existing terms you'd like associated.

Then click "Save attributes" and then "Update".

This concludes this tutorial. Thank you for choosing Make Ready Armz!