In this tutorial we will cover adding an attribute to a menu

If you need to learn how to add attributes see this tutorial click here

First you will go to your websites admin dashboard. Then on the left hand side click on "Products" then "Attributes".

Once you're on the attributes page you will want to make sure to enable archive pages for that attribute. You will do this by hovering over the attribute and hitting "Edit".

Once on that specific attribute you will click on the box to the right of "Enable Archives". Then hit "Update".

Then click on "Back To Attributes".

Now you will want to click on "Configure Terms".

You will then hover over the attribute term you'd like to add to a menu and click on "View".

Once you're on the term's page you will copy the URL link. 

Then you will hover over your website name in the top left and click on "Menu".

Once on the menu page you will want to expand the "Custom Link" tab on the left column. 

Once in custom link you will paste the url you copied into the link section of the module (It will look like this https://yourcompanyname/brand/taurus/, but then shorten it to "/brand/taurus/" . Then give the link text a name. Lastly "Add to menu".

Then you will want to hit "Save Menu".

To see the addition to the menu click on the house icon in the top right to view homepage.

You will now see the new menu item. Click on it to see the dedicated term page.

This page will populate with any products you have associated to the attribute and term.

This concludes this tutorial. Thank you for choosing Make Ready Armz!